

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

The Men’s Ministry unites men of all ages to serve on God’s frontline as mentors and leaders to build spiritual confidence, strengthen their families, and use faith-based solutions to fulfill God’s will.
Through our Men’s Ministry initiatives, we:

  • Encourage and direct those seeking a closer relationship with Christ.
  • Leverage our male perspectives to empower and encourage one another.
  • Study the Word of God and apply its teachings; and,
  • Affirm dedication to God via praise, Scripture, and brotherhood.

 See how we are expanding the Kingdom of God under the umbrella of the Men’s Ministry! 

Check out all the great features.

Iron sharpens Iron

Bible Studies

Men With a Mission Alumni Class
Will continue virtual classes on Saturdays at 7 a.m.  For additional information, please contact Deacon Audie Roundtree in the church office, 410.521.7866.
Men With a Mission I, II, and III Class
 Will continue virtual classes on Saturdays at 8:45 a.m.  For additional information, please contact Brother Deacon Audie Roundtree in the church office, 410.521.7866.

Men’s Fellowship Ministry

This ministry serves as an umbrella over all the men’s ministries within the church by encouraging all men to grow spiritually and relationally.  This ministry also leads new adult male members to opportunities to serve the Lord.  The men’s fellowship also meets on the 4th Friday of each month as a ministry.

Men’s Prison Ministry 

This ministry is motivated by the volunteers’ love for the Lord Jesus Christ and obedience to His commands to encourage and visit those incarcerated (Matthew 25:36).  This ministry promotes Biblical standards of justice in the criminal justice system and training for prisoners, ex-prisoners, victims, and families.  The ministry also provides training, resources, and materials to equip Christian volunteers to minister effectively while developing other ministry programs such as community service projects, family ministry programs, and support groups for ex-prisoners. 

Security and Traffic Control Ministry

The Security Ministry protects and assists all persons (attendees, members, and employees) in case of harm to personal property, theft, or threat to personal life.  The ministry also watches, oversees, communicates, and enforces rules regarding safety violations related to individuals, the facility, and the parking lot, which includes assisting with directing traffic onto the main road.     

Single Men’s Ministry (S.O.L.O.S.)

The focus of this ministry is to support Single men by encouraging and providing hope through the Word of God.  The ministry also trains, educates, and prepares single men for life’s journey through topics such as Singleness, Manhood, Purity, Character Building, Eternal Perspective, Courting, Fatherhood, Marriage Preparation, Christian Service, etc. 

Street Evangelism Ministry

The purpose of this ministry is to go out into the world to make disciples and proclaim the Gospel (Matt 28:18-20; Romans 10:14-15).  The ministry also distributes Gospel tracts, food, and clothing throughout the community while walking its neighborhoods, preaching and teaching the Word of God. 

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