
Sister Darnel Brown’s sister, Ms. Jenette Cathnott, went home to be with the Lord suddenly last night, Friday, December 13

I am sorry to inform you that Sister Darnel Brown’s sister, Ms. Jenette Cathnott, went home to be with the Lord suddenly last night, Friday, December 13.  As of yet, no arrangements have been provided regarding her services.  Once they are finalized, an e-mail will be sent to you.  You may contact Sister Brown on 646.322.0981, to offer prayer and words of comfort.  Please keep the entire Brown family in prayer at this difficult time.

Sister Sandra Stewart’s sister, Ms. Antoinette Yvonne Smith, went home to be with the Lord on Thursday, December 5

I am sorry to inform you that Sister Sandra Stewart’s sister, Ms. Antoinette Yvonne Smith, went home to be with the Lord on Thursday, December 5.  As of yet, no arrangements have been provided regarding her services.  Once they are finalized, an e-mail will be sent to you.  You may contact Sister Stewart on 410.788.2079, to offer prayer and words of comfort.  Please keep the entire Stewart family in prayer at this difficult time

Sister Sandra Jones’ daughter, Miss Tiara Jones, went home to be with the Lord on Wednesday, December 4

I’m sorry to inform you that Sister Sandra Jones’ daughter, Miss Tiara Jones, went home to be with the Lord on Wednesday, December 4.  Below are the arrangements for her services.  Pray for the entire Jones family during this difficult time.
Date/Day of Funeral:                    Thursday, December 12, 2024
 Time of Wake:                             10:30 a.m.
 Time of Funeral:                          11 a.m.
 Location of Funeral:                      New Psalmist Baptist Church
                                                  6020 Mariam Drive
                                                  Baltimore, MD  21215
 Funeral Home:                             Wylie Funeral Home
                                                  9200 Liberty Road
                                                  Randallstown, MD  21133
Bereaved Church Members/Phone #/Address:
Sister Sandra Jones                      
3951 Setonhurst Road                                              
Pikesville, MD  21208                    
Cell:  410.218.7119
The public viewing will be held at the funeral home on Wednesday, December 11, from 5 p.m.—8 p.m.  Please be advised, Sister Jones will not be present during the public viewing.  Sister Jones can be reached on her cell number (as noted above.)

Sister Denise Murdock’s father, Mr. Carlos Gonzalez, went home to be with the Lord

I am sorry to inform you that Sister Denise Murdock’s father, Mr. Carlos Gonzalez, went home to be with the Lord earlier this evening, Sunday, December 1.  As of yet, no arrangements have been provided regarding his services.  Once they are finalized, an e-mail will be sent to you.  You may contact Sister Murdock on her cell number, 443.474.0566, to offer prayer and words of comfort.  Please keep the entire Murdock family in prayer at this difficult time.

First Lady, Sister Ellen Barney's aunt, Mrs. Christine Marshall went home to be with the Lord

Please pray for our First Lady, Sister Ellen Barney, regarding the heavenly transition of her aunt, Christine Marshall, who passed on November 18, 2024. Please pray for the Marshall family as they go through this difficult time.
Funeral services for Mrs. Marshall are in the process of being made. Once arrangements are finalized, an email will be sent to you.

Thank you in advance for your prayers.

Brother Carlton Williams’ sister, Miss Annie Wright, went home to be with the Lord on Saturday, November 2

I’m sorry to inform you that Brother Carlton Williams’ sister, Miss Annie Wright, went home to be with the Lord on Saturday, November 2.  Below are the arrangements for her services.  Pray for the entire Williams family during this difficult time.
Date/Day of Funeral:                Saturday, November 16, 2024
 Time of Wake:                         8 a.m.
 Time of Funeral:                      11 a.m.
 Location of Funeral:                 Bridgeton Senior High School
                                             111 West Avenue
                                             Bridgeton, NJ  08302
 Bereaved Church Members/Phone #/Address:
Brother Carlton Williams                      
10 Geier Court                                              
Randallstown, MD  21133                    
Home:  410.922.1904
All services will be held in New Jersey.  Brother Williams can be reached on his home number (as noted above.)

Sister Cindy Wilson’s uncle, Mr. Merle Waller went home to be with the Lord

I’m sorry to inform you that Sister Cindy Wilson’s uncle, Mr. Merle Waller went home to be with the Lord on Sunday, October 20.  Below are the arrangements for his services.  Pray for the entire Wilson family during this difficult time.

Date/Day of Funeral:                   Wednesday, October 30, 2024
 Time of Wake:                            10 a.m.
 Time of Funeral:                         12 Noon
 Location of Funeral:                    Living Water Ministry
                                                736 Washington Avenue
                                                Braddock, PA  15104
 Bereaved Church Members/Phone #/Address:
Deacon Warren & Sister Cindy Wilson                        
9707 Eustice Road                                    
Randallstown, MD  21133                    
Home:  410.655.3707
All services will be held in Pennsylvania.  Sister Wilson can be reached on her home number (as noted above.)