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Tap on the map to find out more about the church location- No registrations required

can't make it to nabcor?

Watch our services streaming live from any devices directly to you.
Our live streams start at 9:30 AM every sunday


Where can I park
Our parking lot has enough space for all our visitors and members.
How can I get there by public transport
Our church can be accessed via rail and/ or City link lime bus, 37-bus and or 81-bus.
I have Kids, do you offer children programs
Yes, we have age-specific programmes that run during the service, You can register your kids as soon as you arrive at the premises.
I have a baby, are there facilities for parents
Yes, we have private space for parents to nurse the babies.
I have a disability or additional access needs, are there accessible facilities
Yes, The NABCOR is a disability friendly church.
Who is Speaking this sunday
For more information on who will be speaking this sunday, you can download the NABCOR App.